Empower your website monetization strategy

Become a bidinfluence partner to access premium
demand partners and drive your revenue

power of monetization

BidInfluence leading monetization solution

Increased revenue potential
Increased revenue potential
Increase revenue and ad rates by connecting your digital inventory to multiple demand sources
Centralized management
Centralized management
Simplify ad inventory management using a united centralized platform to streamline your ad operations
Access to premium demand
Access to premium demand
Gain exclusive access to premium demand partners, including DSPs, ad networks, and agencies
Real-time optimization
Real-time optimization
We evaluate data and optimize ad inventory in real time using our unique AI algorithms, ensuring the highest eCPM for publishers' inventory
Relevant ads
Relevant ads
We have all the tools to ensure you receive only relevant ads: built-in ad scanners, IAB categories, blacklists, whitelists, and allowed domains
Enhanced reporting and insights
Enhanced reporting and insights
Use our comprehensive reporting to make data-driven decisions, optimize ad inventory, and maximize your revenue

Monetize your product with outstanding ad formats


Full-screen, interactive ads
at natural transition points

Native Ads

Efficient and non-intrusive ads with excellent CTR

Video Ads

Engaging, high-quality video
ads for the highest engagement

Rich Media Ads

Interactive promotion with engaging features

Audio Ads

Non-intrusive advertisement with a tailored experience

Banner Ads

Eye-catching static ads for effective messaging

Integration types that fits your goal

JS tags

JS tags

Easily monetize your website
or app

Open RTB

Open RTB

Tap into a global marketplace of advertisers

Vast tags

Vast tags

Seamlessly deliver video ads to your viewers on any device



Ensure you always get the best price for your inventory


Use bidinfluence’s best practices for effective monetization

Unlock maximum profit by choosing bidinfluence as a primary monetization tool for your website

  • Various ad formats
  • Premium demand sources
  • Simple inventory management
  • Real-time reports and dashboards
  • AI-driven optimization tools
  • Convenient platform interface

Bidinfluence’s suite of actionable features

Increase your app’s potential with bidinfluence’s SSP, a powerful tool that helps developers maximize their revenue potential

Get complete control of the entire
monetization process

Bidinfluence partners can easily add and control their supply sources. Choose only suitable buyers for your ad placements, evaluate the benefits of convenient inventory management, and be confident in the platform’s transparency

  • Easy inventory management
  • Customizable rules and filters
  • Convenient platform interface
  • Blacklists, whitelists, allowed domains

Evaluate the power of data-driven decisions

Bidinfluence SSP’s dashboard panel helps publishers better understand and process the analytics of ad impressions using real-time data

  • Real-time reporting
  • Easily customizable charts

Better develop your website while we take care
of ad revenue optimization!

We’ve equipped bidinfluence’s SSP with a powerful toolset of built-in instruments that ensure stable system operation and automatic monetization optimization for publishers’ revenue

  • SSP&DSP inspector
  • oRTB validator
  • AI optimizer
  • System monitoring tools

Say goodbye to complicated and incomprehensible platforms!

We’ve put a lot of effort into developing a user-friendly platform with an intuitive design and thoughtful user interface to make publishers feel comfortable

  • A clear structure of the admin panel
  • Everything you need is always at your fingertips
  • Easy step-by-step adding of inventory

Meet a solution that fits your vertical


Want to see bidinfluence's monetization solution in action?

Fill out the form and get started within 24 hours
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    Explore tech solutions we are using for publishers' success

    Stay ahead of the competition with bidinfluence's innovative technologies driving publishers' revenue

    Header Bidding

    Explore the power of Header Bidding – an advanced ad buying model that boosts revenue potential by maximizing competition among advertisers in real-time


    Discover VAST, its types, and the benefits it offers mobile and web publishers as the most widely used standard for video ad delivery

    Ad Quality

    Bidinfluence ensures a high level of ad quality. Discover more about how we achieve it and the benefits for publishers